Archive for 2005

ONE new multi billion business idea for the war industry to work for peace and profit 2006

Published by on december 31, 2005

Bono has become a rock & roll angel that not only sings; he makes a difference in the world.
But what if he should talk more with the devil in his struggle in the Evil vs. Good. Than he could get more effect out of his contribute to make a diffrens.

If Bono sings for the war industry U2 going to love it

The devil is crying over the peace situation, business is going down. In most of the CEO´s speeches from the war industry’s are complaining over the fact that the cold war is over. In my opinion they can easily get in to new multibillion business by changing the purpose to deliver goodness instead of working for the devil. Today military don’t work as well as they could do if they develop peace products. Why not a military that could effective help in nature disaster as tsunami or Katrina. They did not need guns. But maybe they could develop a missile that would destroy the tsunami way? I think there is many creative consultants how want to work for the devil if they like to become good (wouldn’t you?).
Al the great power and resources of the military can bee used for a good purpose and with good profit.

Today’s green soldiers are going to learn that tomorrows
“peace army” are only green like the dollar.

The war industry is superior technical level and why not save work and makes profit by doing the right thing? To get the right start they could listen to Bono singing ONE song:

“One love
One blood
One life
You got to do
What you should”


How ONE is the fashion industry?

Published by on december 30, 2005

Did ask Jack Yan an fashion expert in New Zeeland and also the founder of an international fast growing fashion magazine Lucire and CEO, JY&A Consulting . This question: How ONE is the fashion industry?

My friend David Freak, of the Freak fashion label in New Zealand, is known for recycling fashion and showing them in unconventional venues, including gay nightclubs. But he is not alone: the Cubans have just done a show called the Art & Style fashion show, which has some recycled fashion, adorned on models and transvestites.
I know for a fact that Cuba has more traditional fashion shows, just as New Zealand does, but it is interesting that this item made the Associated Press newswires.
Cuba is a nation of tinkerers—not surprising when materials are not in as great a supply as they are in the west. However, this may have heightened Cuban inventiveness. And it might even show a way forward, because not enough of the west conserves in fashion.
I applaud the show for being inclusive. Not only did it have recycled fashion, but local artists joined in.
This is ONEness—or at least it approaches ONEness. By being inclusive with the models, and the participants, the Cubans found greater support.
It also found differentiation amongst the plethora of fashion shows that take place on the planet.
It’s fashion with a statement, and for a change it’s positive, inclusive, and human.
The world actually wants this, and Hennes & Mauritz identified the shift away from fashion snobbery when it asked Karl Lagerfeld, and more recently Stella McCartney, to design a budget-priced line for it.
Because everyone deserves good design—something that the ONE model can ensure.
All we need now is to involve not just the Lagerfelds and McCartneys in the design process—but you and me as well. Let’s begin.

Thanks to Jack Yan for these great answers with strong cases. Looking forward to see the evolution of the fashion industry changing with your mind and spirit.

Update Dec 30:

Made in fans

Published by on december 29, 2005

In the post “Extreme Customer Evangelism” gives a good example of how fans are producing new episodes of Star Trek. Instead of Made in China ore Made in company it is now Made in fans…

Why don’t the film industry always make movies together with there fans. If the original actors also was in this “fan movies” would it then been the original film? The fans can give the film industry passion and free marketing if they work as ONE.

Let 2006 bee the year when fans rule: Brands, film,
companies and make the word stay more passion!

How can companies work in the same way with consumers? Can the next product can be as the next episode, made in fans!

Most brands are as real as a plastic Christmas tree

Published by on december 23, 2005

They don’t communicate to your senses and give you the real Christmas feeling of memories and happiness. Christmas tree should and could smell Christmas. Brands that don’t like to be like a fake plastic Christmas tree can learn how to be real in Martin Lindstorm’s new book Brand Sense: Build Powerful Brands through Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, and Sound.

Happy Christmas

UD-grodorna (fort…)

Published by on december 21, 2005

This blog post is in Swedish (an exception).

De kritiska rösterna runt UD höjs för var dag. Det har nu övergått att bli en egen ”Regeringssåpa” utan slut. B-skådisarna i huvudrollerna saknar ofta empatisk förmåga att förstå att folk dör på riktigt i denna långa såpa. Detta avsnitt i regerings såpan bjuder följande scenario. Vår Stefan Engeseth var på väg ner till Beirut för att hålla en workshop. Tre timmar före avgång från Arlanda ringer telefonen och sms:en piper och berättar om att bomber exploderar och folk dödas I Beirut. Flygbolaget kan inget göra utan UD:s inrådan. Nyheten flyter runt på Internet i 8 timmar utan någon reaktion ifrån UD. Själv ringer han dit och personen som är ansvarig har gått hem. Med andra ord får det enbart bli oroligheter och krig ute i världen på svensk kontorstid! Men svarar gör de till slut ändå. Då börjar ursäkter som mer låter som verser ur små grodorna: ”Vi hittar inte själva något på vår hemsida (” ”Känner inte till någon orolighet i Beirut, Stefan berättar och de skall undersöka och ringer faktiskt tillbaka” nästa groda ”några bomber är väl inte så farligt.” Sedan kommer den sanslösa förklaringen ”På UD kan vi inte fatta några snabba beslut!” och det bara fortsätter ”vi vill inte göra en avrådan att resa till olika platser för tidigt för det ställer till det med försäkringar och det blir dyrt för försäkringsbolagen!” Oavsett vad UD uppdrag är så blir effekten att de hellre sänder svenska medborgare ut i krig och oroligheter än att det kostar några kronor i steg ett. Vad kostar sjukvården när samma personer kommer hem?
Men trots denna fabulösa inkompetens så har de humor. Frågade om det är större risk att åka ditt om man ser amerikansk ut (vilket är problem på många ställen idag)? Då svarade de ”ta på dig en svensk T-shirt!” Faktum är att idag säljs det mest kanadensiska t-shirt på Amerikanska flygplatser. Snart kommer säkert Svenskarna flagga om på väg ut i världen till andra länder om inte Regerings Såpan blir bättre än så här. Kanske kan TV4 kan göra en stödgala för UD där de istället för pengar får kompetens från folket så verkligheten kan göra sig synlig även för dem (men då måste den väl sändas på kontorstid).

PS Vi håller gärna en workshop för Sveriges regering/UD utan kostnad i kreativitet/ONE, om det kan bidra till ett mer föränderligt agerande.

Here is 500 million pictures

Published by on december 19, 2005

Ditto a webpage with 500 million pictures, check it out.
Please find me ONE picture where consumers
can see them self in the company.

If you plant rice you harvest rice; you can’t sit around waiting for tomatoes

Published by on december 18, 2005

To make it more likely that a company can sow the right seeds of consumption, the company should make those seeds part of the offer. Naturally, there must be something in the offer for everyone or “I love my Toyota” can very quickly become “Don’t make the same mistake as me”. Getting customers to send a company’s offer to others has an enormous impact.

Make a list on what you like to happen 1-5:
Then seed the right thing to happen (if you like tomatoes seed tomatoes).

Free question that will workout the relation bee twin: Creativity vs. profit

Published by on december 16, 2005

I did hold a full day workshop in creativity for OMD in Dubai yesterday. In the audience there was about 50 passionate persons from Algeria, Tunisian, Kuwait, Lebanon, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan, and Oman and of course great people from Dubai. It was a great creative day, focusing on the relationship bee twin creativity vs. profit.
It was great to be back in Dubai, this part of the paradise is growing fast.

What is your relation bee twin creativity vs. profit?Thanks to the management at P&G, Unilever, mentor Claes Andreasson and OMD for great material to this workshop.
Click here to download free question that will workout the relation: Creativity vs. profit.

Real life research

Published by on december 14, 2005

Growing up in my mother’s hair styling salon was probably the best management education you could get when it comes to customer relations. Think about it for a second: what do you tell your hairdresser? Or your taxi driver? Probably a good deal more than you tell the people at the bank, which is strange because banks are so important for so many things in your life.

Born in 1927, my mother started as an apprentice at a salon at the age of 11. Her career as a hairdresser was long; many of her customers she kept through three generations. She was often invited to customers’ weddings, christenings and funerals. I learned by listening to what her customers said, especially those who barely had any hair left, but who still wanted the ”experience” of the haircut.
Customer relations are based on qualities that can’t be found in CRM and computers. My mother had none of these, yet she always read the local newspaper to keep up with who had gotten married, had had children or had lost a loved one. Knowing your customers goes beyond ones and zeros.
A number of psychologists have explained to me that when you get hair done, it is the touching involved that creates intimacy that gets the customer to open up. People seem to have a deep need for confession.
But why are people more open with their hairdresser than at the bank? Let’s face it – in the general scheme of things hairdos are not a major life decision; there are many other things which have a far great effect on our lives. In a sentence, this is what the ONE blog/book is all about: the untapped potential of the meeting between company and customer.
I’m living proof of this potential. My mother ran a salon and my father was a customer. The ONE blog/book is full of the fruits of such unexpected meetings. I was born in 1965 and would like to thank my mother’s customers for giving me “real life research.”

Yahoo is taken a big step to be ONE

Published by on december 12, 2005

Now you can ask questions on any topic and get answers from Yahoo costumers (real people). Why not try and ask a question at Yahoo Answers?
This is a good answer for Yahoo to bee ONE with their consumers, and they need it for Google is running fast with there innovations.
What else do you see that Yahoo can do if they like to run as Google?

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