Lecture: Biz Stone Co-founder of Twitter
Yesterday was Biz Stone Co-founder of Twitter holding an lecture on Cannes Lions (off course one-line with twittering questions from the hole world). It was amazing to here how simple they came up with the Twitter idea. They talked about what people like to talk about, nonsense stuff that makes the day go smooth at the office, in school and day to day life. So they created Twitter, and people like to Twittering about what they do. One point Biz Stone deliver that is interesting, is the same as many other experts do. Internet is starting to cooling down in interest at least when it comes to website, instead it all about 4,2 billions mobiles that are ready to connect with new solutions. And that the mobile market is their target for their future developing, they will also deliver much better search function on the site Twitter.com. Biz got an question on whats the coolest thing he got Twittering to him. He did respond that he are not an good judge on whats cool, but gave an fun example. I think that is his persona, he dont talk about being cool he and his team creates cool stuff for the world to enjoy, that is cool.
On the question what is the difference between Faceebook and Twitter he responded:
Twitter is not an two way communication, you follow information not an exact person.
Biz Stone Co-founder of Twitter