How sending summer post cards can build a new brand
ONE can also be a system to build something together where the definitions of who does what are fluid in nature. An example is X Island, “the holiday Island”. When I was on X Island last summer, I met guests that had been coming there since the beginning of the 70’s. Some of these regulars had literally built the place together with those who ran it. We lived in huts, did the dishes, cleaned and cooked together with the staff, all in 40° heat. That customers who had actually paid for the privilege of building the compound made the stay very interesting. Remember: shared experience is an excellent way of strengthening the product.
On X Island, some 80% of the participants had come based on word of mouth. This process could be reinforced. If, for example, you were to give all 60 participants 20 printed postcards each with postage, the message would spread so much faster. When the cards were mailed, approximately 1,200 friends would have learned of a great experience.
So what card should you post?