From Apple Special Event into Steve Jobs+ (?)

Published by on mars 29, 2019 at 10:19 f m

Finally… at the 2019 Apple Special Event they are picking up speed and moving their innovation forward. Not in hardware, yet in services at payment, cards, news, games, tv etc with an extra + for those willing to pay for added value. This move is Apple’s attack on profitable solutions, such as Netflix and others, who are successful in the Apple app store. They are practically making service solutions that are turning billions of their screens into a global supermarket (shopping starts at Apple). It is a smart move in the short run, but it can be copied. What can not be copied is the DNA of Steve Jobs, it would be a more unique move to do a series of Steve Jobs hardware products, with respect of the legend. Myself and others do actually buy old models, because they still have the DNA of Steve Jobs.  (In other words, a real Apple product). Emotions are harder to copy than a services. Do not think they will call it Steve Jobs+ but that is what it is, and what I and other fans want.