Creative consumers make business grow

Published by on mars 26, 2006 at 10:27 f m

ONE of the questions that often get in my lectures is: Do consumers really want to give their creativity to companies? I think this article is a really good answer:

“At the heart of most thinking about innovation is the belief that people expect to be paid for their creative work: hence the need to protect and reward the creation of intellectual property. One really exciting thing about user-led innovation is that customers seem willing to donate their creativity freely, says Mr Von Hippel. This may be because it is their only practical option: patents are costly to get and often provide only weak protection. Some people may value the enhanced reputation and network effects of freely revealing their work more than any money they could make by patenting it. Either way, some firms are starting to believe that there really is such a thing as a free lunch.”

Read the full article in The Economist “The rise of the creative consumer.” And start to spread your creativity.

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