Archive for 2013

Can Google write the design code and compete with Apple?

Published by on januari 26, 2013

Google may not have a Jony Ive, but there is nevertheless a coherent process for laying out a design vision across all these multiple teams and platforms. (recoommeded read and video)

Yes Mr Ive is a master mind in design, but he is only one person writing a master code for design. If Google see that design is only a code, then they could use there speed to over take the design position that Apple dominates.

Thanks to Ulf A. Carlson.

Why trendspotters should play table tennis

Published by on januari 24, 2013

Watch this video and see how amazing and trendy table tennis can become (history do repeat itself). In fact, if the sport directors of table tennis plays the game right now the sport could become the most trendy sport in the world!

Trend is a match between time and history!

Chew on an superb book review of Sharkonomics in Bizsugar

Published by on januari 20, 2013

This sharp book review will make smaller sharks swims faster by fueling up with sugar:

Small businesses have plenty to chew on in Sharkonomics
Martin Lindeskog, Bizsugar

Facebook is more important than food

Published by on januari 14, 2013

According to Maslow’s theory the need of food comes first. But psychologist of today question this statement. I saw an excellent speech given by Dr. Gordon Neufeld, developmental psychologist on the topic of attachment theory. My interpretation of Dr. Neufeld’s speech is that:

Facebook is more important than food.

Facebook and similar social platforms as well as computer games appears to have a stronger addictions than food.

Profitable New Year’s resolutions

Published by on januari 10, 2013

The gyms are crowded with New Year’s resolutions. The human body is working hard to get in in shape for summer’s sunny beaches. Can companies create an equally energetic change with the help of New Year’s resolutions?

After the holidays when the batteries are charged alot of the recharged energy is spent on overcrowded gyms. What if we could use that recharged energy to encourage businessesdevelopment? Instead of putting the energy on reshaping our bodies the organizations can use the energy to make new year’s resolutions in terms of new marketing and business plans. But some people may think no, why should people gather at crowded workplaces and shed sweat at the office floors?  A gym membership is enough as a new year’s resolution. Whether new plans or a new gym card, both reassure that something new is going on for the summer.

We like to view ourselves as personal trainers at office instead of the gym. As personal trainers we have received assignments on workshops with companies in order to help them put their marketing and business plans into action 201. Why don’t you also join the growing movement of creating profitable New Year’s resolutions and take a larger bite of the market. Get fit to take a larger bite!

Right now we offer our blog readers the opportunity to come in business shape in what we call workshops in 2013 for the fixed price of 2013 x ambition = Workshops 2013. Contact Stefan for more information (price offer valid only Jan / Feb 2013).

Email Stefan

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