Archive for 2013

Change is what’s constant

Published by on april 29, 2013

Change is what’s constant.
Author Rebecca Walker. Quote from speech at world book day in Stockholm.

Top 10 most popular posts – Updated: 23 April 2013

Published by on april 23, 2013

1. Why trendspotters should play table tennis
2. Love Boat commercial video feeds anti Shitvertising
3. Theatre vs. Organic food: Flowers from my Mother’s Garden
4. Can Google write the design code and compete with Apple?
5. 2 of the 33 best tech entrepreneurs in Sweden
6. Apple growth slows
7. Why Microsoft was forced to improve its defense skills
8. Chew on an superb book review of Sharkonomics in Bizsugar
9. The Sharkonomics tour whetted American appetites
10. Tablet War Week: Will look small if Facebook jumps in the water

2 of the 33 best tech entrepreneurs in Sweden

Published by on april 19, 2013

This week, together with my friend (and entrepreneur) Per Nilsson, I went to the 33 List – an entrepreneur competition with the purpose to spot new tech talent. An excellent evening arranged by magazines Ny Teknik and Affärsvärlden. There was a lot of talent, energy and knowledge both on and off stage.

Here are my personal favorites among the top 33 tech entrepreneurs in Sweden – the ones with that WOW magic:

1. Sol Voltaics.
2. Anolytech.

It will be very interesting to follow their journey going forward.

Check out Sol Voltaics powerful video.

The most fun innovation was ScoreCleaner (a must for all music lovers).

Monsanto got 1 million people to sign up against them in just 36 hours

Published by on april 15, 2013

Bad business spread like fire online, Monsanto vs. Mother Earth:

Monsanto and Co. are at it again. These profit-hungry biotech companies have found a way to gain exclusive control over the seeds of life – the source of our food. They’re trying to patent away varieties of our everyday vegetables and fruits like cucumber, broccoli and melons, forcing growers to pay them for seed and risk being sued if  they don’t.

In just 36 hours more I think they will reach over 2 million people to sign up.
Thanks to Carin B-A for sending this.

Failure and success are both connected to fear of change

Published by on april 14, 2013

Failure and success are both connected to fear of change

The more leadership you give, the more fellowship you get

Published by on april 10, 2013

The more leadership you give, the more fellowship you get.
Sir Terry Leahy, former CEO, Tesco. Quote from speech at Guldnyckeln.

Change is the new climate

Published by on april 6, 2013

Change is the new climate

Radio New Zealand: Why we buy into invisible threats (Sharkonomics)

Published by on april 2, 2013

Excellent radio interview by Sonia Sly in New Zeeland, about fear and Sharkonomics.

Andy Watson, Jeff Sluka, Josh Neilson, Paul Curwen and Stefan Engeseth talk to Sonia Sly about courting fear, an industry that capitalises on our love of being scared stiff, and why we buy into invisible threats.
Radio New Zealand (listen online).

Thanks to hero Jack Yan.

Loyal is so last year

Published by on mars 29, 2013

Loyal is so last year.
Dr Nicola J. Millard, Customer Experience Futurologist, BT Global Services. Quote from speech at Guldnyckeln.

Big audience biting into Sharkonomics speech at Guldnyckeln

Published by on mars 26, 2013

Last week I gave six lectures/workshops. I jumped on stage at Guldnyckeln holding a substitite speech for over 500 attended in the Globe arena.

My Sharkonomics speech made the great audience hungry for more shark knowledge.




Photo by Niklas Palmklint.

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