Mighty Accenture turns to sharks for success

Published by on oktober 26, 2015 at 12:22 e m

Mighty consulting corporations as Accenture are comparing digital change management with sharks.

In the past, a product or service lifecycle in a market segment gained traction in the shape of a bell curve…. Now, markets are conquered with a shark fin burst of domination. A peak comes early, led by innovators and early adopters, and then it’s time again to extend or enhance the product. Think of how Google, Airbnb and Facebook built billion-dollar companies over very short times. In the illustration below, you see that these companies were and are operating in the shark fin red zone….Perhaps time will show that only the digital predators—the sharks of this world—will succeed in volatile, complex and fast-moving digital business.
Clemens Oertel is a managing director in Accenture Strategy. Article: Why digital disruption resembles a shark fin more than a bell curve.

In this interesting article are Clemens talking about business in a shark-style: “a sort of “violent” success, frequently shakes the status quo…allowing new players to step in and grab a slice of the market….”.

When its time for the next edition of my book Sharkonomics I perhaps could swim over and interview Clemens, to get more shark cases.

Thanks to Katarina Chowra for sending my this article.