Consumer Power
I realy like this article: Net-savvy public chisel out their own opinions on brands, by Venkatesh Rangachari. It is pointing out how consumer power changes branding.
About 10,000 miles away, a TV viewer sees an advertisement, interprets it in a different way, goes on to blog it and suddenly his interpretation is available to a lot of people. So as a brand manager, there is no longer any control. Why fight it? Just join it. Don’t be a brand manager, be a brand facilitator…..Blogs, forums and communities allow us to benefit from the views of millions of others. People are building opinions not by watching TV, but by discussing issues. They should discuss your brand and be free to play with it… to “own” it by creating their own interpretation of it and to be associated with it in a “personal” way. That’s where brand equity will be established.
Thanks to Dara Acidwalla for sending my this article.