Check out this book: When the Future Begins

Published by on januari 26, 2016 at 11:11 f m

Selling the future today is a business field full of writing gurus, but few of them talk about how to really understand the future. They do talk about their wisdom as a magical trick. The author of this book, on the other hand, is down to earth and points out the illusions of the future and shares it with the reader so that we understand what’s behind the magic of future thinking.

I do recommend this book to those who have an interest in tapping into the future of their business opportunities.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book:

. The future is one of our favorite destinations.
. Future is a mix of bottom-up and top-down conditions.
. Many future-thinkers fall into a trap called “future porn”.
. We should change our information diet.
. People only move when it hurts.
. Being a pioneer is painful.
. To be truly creative, we must dare to make enemies.
. The most important thing we can learn is to unlearn.
. Identity is a barrier to change.
. If we are happy, we don’t want to change things.
. Shadows lurking in the fog of the future.
When the Future Begins by Magnus Lindkvist. Publisher: LID Publishing.

Watch Magnus holding a provocative, witty and excellent TEDxTalk, without making the future a fluffy magical trick. It’s no wonder that Magnus is one of Sweden’s most successful speaker internationally.