Top 10 most popular posts – Updated: 25 April 2017

Published by on april 25, 2017 at 11:16 f m

1. We can not make things up just because there happens to be a hype about something, it is always the customer value that is guiding us

2. Survivalism, the practice of preparing for a crackup of civilization

3. Sharkonomics makes its début in Vietnam

4. Sharkonomics lecture for the construction industry: ‘How to become an IT shark!’

5. At first the Earth was totally flat, then round and now it’s completely upside down

6. What if smartphones got smarter when we move?

7. Digital sharks will attack: the eight-trillion-dollar construction industry

8. An idea that can increse US tourism with 30-50%

9. AppleCurrency with Steve Jobs on the coin

10. Cool #innovation: Solar panel windows