Archive for 2015

Merry Christmas & Happy New 2016

Published by on december 21, 2015


Top 10 most popular posts – Updated: 14 December 2015

Published by on december 14, 2015

1. AppleCurrency with Steve Jobs on the coin
2. I hope it will rain peace over Paris
3. An idea that can increse US tourism with 30-50%
4. Kingston: Mind the Gap: In an romantic video
5. Sharkonomics jumps into McPlay: A new E-learning platform based on video for Marketing directors
6. My ONE book was not only about business it was a recipe for ONE world!
7. 600 car dealers in standing ovation
8. @jackyan: Think Ikea’s foray into fashion was a novel idea? #ikeafashion
9. People always think I’m crazy. And then it happens
10. Mighty Accenture turns to sharks for success

Is Martin Lindstrom tapping into Detective Marketing in his new book Small Data?

Published by on december 10, 2015

Is Martin Lindstrom tapping into Detective Marketing in his new book Small Data?
PS We like this Danish author.

#changeworld vs. #changemanagement

Published by on december 8, 2015

The world is changing much faster than management. This create a gap of vulnerability in corporations.

@creuna_se : Hyper adoption vs. payment solution

Published by on december 4, 2015

Hyper adoption vs. payment solution.
Creuna, event

My ONE book was not only about business it was a recipe for ONE world!

Published by on december 3, 2015

My ONE book was not only about business it was a recipe for ONE world!

Kingston: Mind the Gap: In an romantic video

Published by on november 29, 2015

Kingston: Mind the Gap: In an romantic video

Sharkonomics jumps into McPlay: A new E-learning platform based on video for Marketing directors

Published by on november 24, 2015

This video is in Swedish, but it reveals some of the secrets behind the global successes of Swedish marketing. The  E-learning platform McPlay is created by Marknadscheferna/Marketing Directors.

I hope it will rain peace over Paris

Published by on november 19, 2015

It is only when evil kisses good that a new world can be created. Evil contains power and know-how. If every bullet fired in the former Yugoslavia had been a seed, the region would have been a rainforest to stroll in, instead of a mass grave to cry over.
Stefan Engeseth

Sharkonomics consultancy services launched in Sweden at a fully booked event

Published by on november 16, 2015

On the 12th of November the introduction of the Sharkonomics consultancy services was made to the Swedish market at a fully booked event with 170 participants.
The Sharkonomics consultancy services are based on the sharks’ 420 million years experience of development and focus on how companies can dominate their respective markets and take market share from their significantly larger competitors.
Some of the topics that were discussed at the event:
–    How can you tripple your turnover?
–    Have today’s market leaders stopped moving?
–    Don’t companies have any defense?
–    Who will be devoured on the Swedish market?
–    How should sharks use social media?

Our prominent expert panel included key persons from the following companies: Spotify, National Geographic, Candy Crush, Turkish Airlines, Marknadscheferna, Creuna, Happy Homes and Sveab Drift.
Opening speaker: Martin Deinoff, vice president, Creuna.

We want to thank our partners for this event: Creuna (leading Nordic digital agency) and Marknadscheferna.

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