Why porn stars soon will hate Google
Google is the ultimate search engine. To stay at the top of their field, they have to develop their services. Soon we will see a visual search function in Google. For porn stars, tattoos are the same as having their phone number on to their bodies. If people will Google visual-search for their tattoos, if a porn star has two or more tattoos, it will be like having a bar code.
If Google combine Visual Search with Google Earth, they will make every digital camera on earth a live search engine. For instance, if you watch television, YouTube on your computer, or put a camera in front of the television or in your car, it will search for everything visual. Also everything in Google Earth will automatically become searchable visually. Then combine this with AdWords and Google will improve their business like never before.
In the future we can take a photo of each other, and we will instantly have our phone numbers and any other social facts that we choose to share in our visual profile.
The sex industry will sell skin advertising in the future—it will work as moving AdWords!