The reason to why it don’t function is that our company is so big!
With a panic for more books I am calling the big transport company X now. Waiting for more ONE books (they have sold out in Sweden and UK). The reason is that I will go up on stage to hold a lecture today. Here is the answer I got in costumer service, why they don’t make the delivery in 3 days that should take 2 days:
“The reason to why it don’t function is that our company is so big!”
I did respond that first of all you are not big compared to DHL and second, why does it function with DHL and not your company? Then they said it not only your packed we have to handle… Then I said if you only handle 1 packed you would not have been to big to fix so it would arrived to day… Sad how some company totally destroy consumer loyalty with their behavior. Have to run now and borrow some books in bookshops (I mean does how are not are to big to handle the situation).
Update 29 September:
The lecture could not get a better audience; it was the woman business network Shenet. Founded by the legendary Swedish net worker Maria Forssén. Big thanks to the bookstore Konst-ig for borrow me so many ONE books (they did sold out this evening to good net workers).