The fashion industry is provoking animal fanatics to desperate actions

Published by on november 25, 2010 at 1:36 e m

A animal that has no way to escape is a dangerous animal. Today leading fashion brands are shocking the world. This is something pointed out today by Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, where these brands are pushing consumers to wear a fur coat.

I would argue that this is extremely bad taste, in a time when Mother Nature is threatened—what will the next fashion be? Dress in the latest polar bear? This arrogance will only make consumers believe that the fashion industry is shallow, with no understanding of ethics.

Even worse are those supermodels giving the finger to animal fanatics.

If supporters of animal rights feel that they are being given the finger, they could strike back in a way that could be nasty.

I am not advocating that we undertake desperate actions. But an animal that has no escape will, as a survival instinct, strike back. And there is a parallel there with what the fashion industry is doing, by offending animal fanatics.