Free download of the “book trailer” of ONE (trailerONE: A book version of a movie trailer)

Published by on februari 23, 2006 at 7:35 e m

I am a big fan of both movies and books therefore I put together a movie trailer for my next book, which is called trailerONE:

The purpose is the same as with a movie trailer – to give a feeling of what the whole book is about. The trailerONE has not the same content as in the chapterONE.

You have the permission to print, post and email the content of the first book trailer and chapterONE. Feel free to pass it on, or discuss it with anyone you like. However you can’t however bind it as a book and sell it.

This is not a chapter of my book , it is only the movie trailer. If you like to read more there is also an uncorrected galley proof of my next book “ONE – A Consumer Revolution for Business.”

Update 20 Dec:
There is now more trailer of the book, it is now included in the new first chapter. Free download here: New, bigger and updated version of ChapterONE! More pages and illustrations!