Archive for november, 2010

Top 10 most popular posts – Updated 3 November 2010

Published by on november 3, 2010

1. Nokia + Apple = Steve Jobs (new CEO at Nokia)
2. Claes Andréasson success at Unplugged Speeches™
3. Why Barack Obama will not be re-elected as president and how he could
4. Innovation power at Tendensdagen
5. The Google city is born (video)
6. Testing iPad: Will Toys”R”Us buy Apple?
7. Swedish green dollars at Stockholm Cleantech Venture Day
8. Jim Collins updates leadership in How the Mighty Fall
9. How powerful is
10. From YouTube to YouPorn

How to make the rainforest this years christmas gift

Published by on november 1, 2010

It is quite depressing to listen to all the news about how we destroy nature. Specially the rainforest. Why not change how things are done. Instead of passively listen to bad news, create some good news. Here is my solution, start selling the rainforest in seed-bags. Make it concrete, buy 10 square meter rainforest in a seed-bag. If you want you can also plant it online and see it grow on a youtube channel. The effect would be that instead of watching depressing news people can create good news by re-building our fantastic nature. Start with the rainforest then move on and re-build other parts of nature.
Collaboration with organizations would make this possible. Any clue on which organization would be the best partner to make this turn into reality?

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